Conference Materials
Lending in Trusts
Wednesday, May 4, 2022 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Joanne Hindel Vice President & Regional Fiduciary ExecutiveVice President & Regional Fiduciary Executive OSBA Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law
Cleveland, Ohio
Speaker Bio
Session Description
It is not uncommon for trust beneficiaries to request loans from trusts rather than outright distributions. Under what circumstances can or should a trustee consider issuing loans? Once a loan is made it changes the relationship between the trustee and beneficiary to that of a creditor and a debtor- what conflicts might this create? What happens if a beneficiary is unable or unwilling to repay the loan? This presentation will explore the circumstances under which loans are requested, how the trustee might approach the issuance of the loan and how to handle the possible default of a loan by a beneficiary.
Session Materials
Lending in Trusts- Can or Should a Trustee issue loans to beneficiaries?
Lending in Trusts- Can or Should a Trustee issue loans to beneficiaries?