Conference Materials
Conflicts of Interest - Life Lessons Ancient & Modern ERM (REPEAT)
Wednesday, May 4, 2022 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Don AndrewsAttorney at Law
Agoura Hills, California
Speaker Bio
Session Description
Don Andrews is a long-time veteran of the securities industry and has seen the significant change in risk management over the last thirty years. He will cover the shift from risk management in banking in its infancy to its more robust formulations today and discuss the pros and cons on the current methodologies vs. more organic forms of risk management. As Mr. Andrews has vast experience in this field across many disciplines other than just banking, he will also address how forms of risk management in the non-banking sector can instruct the banking world and work toward preventing the kind of catastrophes that we survived in the early part of this century. He will also spend some time discussing the difference between risk management preparations for the regulators and its correlation to practical every day risk that is encountered at these institutions.
Session Materials
Life Lessons Ancient and Modern Enterprise Risk Management
Life Lessons Ancient and Modern Enterprise Risk Management
Life Lessons Ancient and Modern Enterprise Risk Management