Conference Materials


Focus Session II: Data Analytics - Real and Practical Applications

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Jenna Pruitt
Machelle Rinko

Session Description

While the use of data analytics has greatly improved over the past years, whether due to funding, lack of skills, access to data, or all of these, Internal Audit continues to lag in implementation. Corporate Boards and Management continue to look to internal audit to provide value to an organization not only through audit and assurance services but by quickly identifying emerging risks and sharing valuable insights. During this course, we will provide real examples of how to use data, example test results, and discuss what the data can tell you. If you are new to data analytics, in the early stages of implementation, or been using data analytics here and there, this course will provide you with practical and real examples of how you can implement data analytics into your internal audit programs and utilize the results to provide additional value to your Boards and Management.

Session Material

Session Material