38th Annual FIRMA National Risk Management Training Conference
April 28 - May 1, 2025
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Uniform Laws

Uniform Business and Financial Laws Locator This page by the Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute (LII) provides the text of the numerous Uniform Laws and links to the corresponding state statutes.

Fiduciaries Act This site provides the text of the Uniform Fiduciaries Act. It also provides a list of the states that have enacted the Fiduciaries Act along with links to the specific state statutes.

Fraudulent Conveyance Act This site links you automatically to an index of the states that have enacted the Act.

Fraudulent Transfer Act The Fraudulent Transfer Act is the successor to the Fraudulent Conveyances Act. This link provides the text of the Act and lists the states that have enacted the Act. You may also view and download the specific state statutes.

Management of Institutional Funds Act The link takes you directly to a list of the states that have implemented the Act. You can also view the original Act without any non-uniform amendments that might have been added.

Principal and Income Act ('62) The site lists the states that have enacted a version of the Act and also contains the original version of the 1997 Act that revised the 1962 Act that revised the 1931 Act. The industry comments link takes you to comments of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, the organization that drafts most of the proposed Uniform Laws. The comments are interesting and informative as they indicate what issues were discussed and what language was considered in the drafting process.

    For the industry comments.

Prudent Investors Act Provides the original draft of the Act as proposed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. The document includes a comment section containing the thoughts of the drafters as they decided the specific language of the Act. The comments are very helpful in the interpretation of the Act. The site also provides a list of the states that have adopted the Act and a link to the corresponding state statutes.

Trustees' Power Act The site lists the 16 states that have enacted a version of the Act and has links to the specific state statutes.

Trusts Act Six states: Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and South Dakota along with the Virgin Islands have enacted the Uniform Trusts Act. The site links you to the various state statutes.