Conference Materials


Concurrent Sessions - The AI Advantage: Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work for You in Risk and Compliance

Wednesday, May 12, 2021 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM


Brian Clark

Brian Clark   
Founder & President ASCENT REGTECH
Chicago, Illinois

Speaker Bio

Session Description

Brian Clark   
Founder & President ASCENT REGTECH
Chicago, Illinois

When it comes to artificial intelligence, humankind is increasing its knowledge exponentially. Financial institutions are already using AI at every level, and yet, confusion is still commonplace — from understanding basic definitions to the actual how-to of implementation. In this session, we’ll demystify AI and discuss what it is (and isn’t), how it’s being applied to manage risk, and best practices for operationalizing AI in your business. Most importantly of all, we’ll explore the ethical considerations implicit in a technology that seeks 
to understand and replicate human learning and cognition -- especially 
in the critically human practice of interpreting and fulfilling the Rule of Law. The reality? AI is here to stay, but it won’t replace us —it’ll enhance us. Therefore it’s up to all of us to get it right.

Session Material
