Conference Materials


Countdown to T+0

Wednesday, April 25, 2018 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Satish Pattegar

Director of Fiduciary Risk & Governance Fiduciary & Investment Risk Oversight Wealth and Investment Management Risk
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Speaker Bio

Session Description

The unnoticed and extremely smooth transition from T+3 to T+2 provides the Industry the con dence to continue working toward further risk reduction in the securities settlement pro- cess. The unclear timeline for the next shortening of the securi- ties settlement cycle (T+1 or T+0?) gives us an opportunity to discuss potentials, plan, and leverage those transitional activities that caused the awless success of the transition to T+2. Let’s explore and discuss, recognizing that the further shortening of the settlement cycle will continue to be an Industry initiative and may add to the level of operational risk within custody insti- tutions. It is important to focus on this emerging risk to custody organizations.

Session Material

Countdown to T+0 -- Further Improvements in the Settlement Process