
2025 National Conference -- Orlando

April 28 - May 1, 2025



38th Annual FIRMA National Risk Management Training Conference
April 28 - May 1, 2025

Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel
9939 Universal Blvd.
Orlando, Florida




Our ‘Don’t-Miss’ Fiduciary and Investment Risk Management topics include:

  • Keynote sessions for
    • “Risk Management in an AI World;”
    • “Building a Culture of Risk Management;” and
    • “Future Trends”
  • Regulatory Update session from the regulators
  • Special Peer Roundtable discussion sessions
  • Fiduciary Executive Panel session
  • “Model Risk Governance”
  • “System Conversions”
  • “Uniform Law Update”
  • “Mitigating Fiduciary Risks”
  • “Protecting and Preparing Your Clients for Fraud”
  • “Ethics”
  • “Compliance Risks in Estate Settlement”
  • “Meaningful Reg 9 Reviews”
  • “Purpose Trusts”
  • “Sunrise / Sunset Taxes”
  • and over 25 other state-of-the-industry topics in general and breakout session format.

 The Conference will also offer three concurrent Tuesday afternoon Focus Sessions. 

  • “Discretionary Decisions”
  • “Incorporating Emerging Risks into Your Risk Framework”
  • “Issues Management.”

Fees for the 2025 conference are as follows:

Conference fees**:
FIRMA Member                    $2,250
Non-Member                        $2,750
Discounts to the above prices are available for groups of 5 or more. Please contact Amy Caple at the FIRMA Office for details -- or (770) 790-8355.

State and Federal Regulator fees**:
FIRMA Member                    $2,050
Non-Member                        $2,550

**Take a $100 discount when registered and paid by March 7, 2025.

Focus Sessions:
The Tuesday Focus Sessions are complimentary for paid conference attendees.

Hotel Reservations
To book your room at the Rosen Shingle Creek, please call 866-996-6338 and ask for the FIRMA group (booking code 92396). Our group rate is $260 single or double occupancy. Regulators should use ask for the FIRMA government block (booking code 97919).

Reservations may be made online using the following links:
For the FIRMA Block, click here.
For the FIRMA Government Block, click here.  
     NOTE: Government rooms are available Sunday through Wednesday evenings only. Government block attendees must show proper credentials at check-in.

The deadline to secure your room at the FIRMA Conference rate is April 4, 2025.


The Conference brochure with full agenda details will be posted soon.